Even this was exciting on such light gear so I honestly cannot wait to have a go for some big ballans in a month or so's time. Anyway pictured and released it was 5 minutes before a female shanny popped up. This one was a lot smaller than the male shanny and a lot less aggressive.
Through the afternoon I continued to bag up on these smaller fish and eventually after having around 5/6 of each I decided to have a change. I used a slightly larger lure, another ragworm immitation infact, however this time round I fished it with a 2oz bomb at the bottom. The way I rigged it was to use a floating jig head and postion this around a foot above the lead on a 1 foot snood. By doing this I could gurantee the lure would be around 1.5ft off the deck avoiding all of the snags, or at least in theory. On my first cast I got a nice knock
and reeled in this fella on the right. A small pollock. As you can see he obviously liked the lure as it managed to neck the whole thing near enough. I continued to fish in this style for another 30 minutes before eventually calling it a day. Not bad for a first attempt and 2 more species ticked off the list for 2012. To put it into perspective though, Jon who had joined me for the session and had been fishing bait, only managed a single pin whiting in the same period of time. Food for thought for anyone looking to pass the time whilst waiting for that screaming ratchet on a large bait :P
Tight Lines, Ross
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