Having had a cracking morning session, hopes were high for a good evening bash at my pollock mark. I had promised Ad a few fish to make up for his mornings disappointment so pressure was on to produce. We arrived at the mark after the climb down for about 5pm, which was around high tide. Using baited sabikis we dropped the baits down the side no more than a foot from the ledge we were stood on. I had told Ad it was deep but as his lead continued to sink taking metres upon metres of line from his spool his face went from amused to confused within seconds. It was Ad who struck first though instantly after his lead had touched bottom with a pollock of 12oz (top right). We were underway!

I was set on catching these all night with the hope of another biggie but the big ones remained inactive for the duration. Instead however it was shore rockling that came out in numbers. Ad managed 2 of them in consecutive casts (top left) and I pulled one out shortly after. The highight of my night though came in the form of this wee beastie (pictured right). A tadpole fish! (Species 17) Yet another 1st for me in a year that seems to be planning out very well. It was only about 9oz but I didn't care, just an awesomely cool fish. The last of the days action came from another few pollock, one for each myself and Ad before it was time, after nearly 24 hours solid fishing to pack up and go home for some much needed sleep. The fishing has picked up brillaintly over the past few weeks all round the island so if you get chance, get out! You might get a nice surprise :p
Hope you enjoyed part 2,
Tight Lines,
it is too much difficult.because you need too much energy and patience.otherwise your might be mad.