Myself and the younger one, Sam, had met with Terry and Billy on Weds for a session and had a great laugh, taking some quality advice away with us as well as a secret lure that Terry has lent me for a particular species I've yet to catch lol. They are both top blokes, full of stories and plenty of banter so it was a very enjoyable session on the whole with a few fish between the 4 of us thrown in. Lets hope I can do that lure justice though!

This was only the start of my fishing day though as I was set to meet up with Garethp for a session on the yaks at 10. Having met Gareth, topped up with some bait and set off for cable bay, we were both fairly confident of some rays. From the off it was clear that Gareth was far better prepared than I was as this was the first time I'd been using the yak for something other than lure fishing. He kindly lent me an anchor for the day and we launched just after 11am. After paddling out to our chosen spots, it took me a while to get settled with my anchor being dragged whilst I slowly drifted further away from Gareth. In the end he let me attach myself to the back of his yak using some rope and I fished 20ft behind him. I opted for rag/squid baited feathers on one rod and a simple running ledger with sandeel on the other rod aimed at the rays. It took us a while to get a fish but Gareth was first in with a dab shortly followed by a whiting. I finally got my first whting after nearly 2 hours which was a relief, saving the dreaded blank. It was Gareth who had the tactics nailed though as he brought in a couple more whiting. I did have a spell on the fish for the last 90 minutes in which I landed a further 10 whiting but it wasn't what we were after and the wind chill was making me very cold. Again Gareth was the smart one, wrapped up in a dry-suit whilst I sat there in shorts. I have a lot to learn about bait fishing off the yaks and it was great to get some advice off Gareth as he knew what he was doing as has had some good fish. The last fish fell to gareth, another dab before the cold got the better of me and I decided to call it a day with Gareth following me in. My legs were so cold and jelly like that I could hardly stand when I got out of the yak making pulling the thing up the beach almost impossible. But after a good few minutes sorting my gear out it became much easier. After loading the cars it was time to go home but I enjoyed myself again and met another good angler in the process. A good day all round even though the rays had eluded us. Next time I guess
Tight Lines
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